
Most people have been conditioned to work their entire lives. It starts from the younger years, when children first attend school. They’re expected to be at school at a certain time, and if not it affects their attendance on their report cards. They don’t get out until 3-4pm, and then they may even have some extracurriculars that require them to attend school earlier or later. Even then, their days don’t end. They’re expected to doread more

(This post contains Amazon affiliate links; more info can be found here or on the sidebar/footer depending on if you’re on mobile/PC.) In recent years, I found confession with a priest to be similar to openly sharing about your traumas or your faults with a licensed therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. I thought it was about being vulnerable and being as transparent and honest as possible from your own perspective. But recently as I was reading Feeling Goodread more

google phone and good apps

These are the top four Android apps I’ve been using lately, all in health and education: 1. HabitsWhen I was attending uni, I used to use an iOS app called Lift, not to be confused with Lyft (the ride-sharing service). Lift is now known as Coach.Me and they still have an app, though it is still only really compatible with iOS. They have a web version, though it wasn’t always convenient for tracking habits inread more

I generally avoid sharing goals. I’m terrible at committing to a goal publicly. But otherwise, I’ve accomplished quite a few goals on my own, without needing to be held accountable to anyone in particular. There were times where I felt rushed to achieve a goal as soon as other people were clued into what I was doing (mostly because people are excited, and ahhh!). And, now I’m actively keeping people out of my business, unlessread more

If you go on a heart-aligned path and you come across a situation where your inner compass is going off on a tangent, do you take it? What if it violates other people’s expectations? Violating expectations is not the same as violating boundaries. (And seriously, fuck anyone who violates boundaries consciously and willingly– you’re trash.) Violating expectations is about going against what is considered “normal” or “acceptable” because you know intuitively that it is more

scrabble tiles that spell out commit or quit

As a former mentally gifted kid, I had a serious issue with procrastination, mostly due to perfectionism, which stemmed from unaddressed emotional needs (e.g. not having a safe learning space, coming from abuse/trauma, unreasonable expectations set by supervising adults, etc.). Nowadays, they have an umbrella term for such cases called “twice exceptional” or 2e for short. I was interested in so many different subjects, but I lacked confidence and withdrew a lot as I wasread more

blank post it notes one with help written on it

Earlier this year, I deliberately forgoed New Year’s resolutions and goals in general. There was no quarterly planning this time. I briefly thought I’d attempt another quarterly planning session for April through June, though that also got derailed. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. It’s still a bit too early to tell. But! I will say, a lot of unexpected events unfolded this year so far, and it’s not even halfway through the yearread more

short-term bucket list

I had an unofficial bucket list in my head many years before, particularly stemming from my high school years. There’s some items that I’ve since had retracted, and a few that I’ve decided to give more thought. Though instead of putting optional items, I decided to put the ones that are most important to me. And instead of it being a bucket list for all the items that I want to check off over theread more

Countless times in my life, I’ve been told that I’m not good enough, not talented enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough. Or, I’ve been told the opposite, that I’m too smart, too pretty, too kind, too nice, too good to not do XYZ. Listen, I’m not behind in life. And, I’m not unworthy of whatever I want to achieve in life either. Stop placing arbitrary standards onto me, and stop comparing me to everyoneread more

no new year's resolutions for 2022

No resolutions for me this 2022. Not yet, at least. When the new year approaches, it’s easy to jump into setting new goals and targets. But, I’d rather not do this prematurely, especially with all the hype and celebration. Apparently, less than 10% of people actually keep their resolutions. And for myself, I know if I set some resolution arbitrarily now, I’m probably not gonna stick with it for too more