I’ve been watching a lot of Dr. K videos more recently, and I find his views so refreshing. His perspective is quite unique in that it mixes Eastern philosophies with Western medicine. His Eastern approaches come from his experiences as a monk in India as well as ideas stemming from ayurveda and Hinduism. And, his Western medicine approach comes from his education at Harvard (and schooling in the US in general). Not to mention, heread more

Have you ever considered monitoring your daily progress through keeping track of motivational buffs and debuffs? This may seem like a concept of gamifying life, and while there is that aspect as well, I am mostly approaching this from a slightly different angle of bad vs. good choices or habits and how those decisions ultimately stack up and affect us. Motivational buffs are actions that we take that benefit us in some way. It mayread more

I am a bit of a perfectionist. (Okay, maybe a lot of a perfectionist.) The main reason I have been this way for years is because I think it is important to produce and share good quality work. If I know that I am capable of producing better content, then I want to be able to provide that. But sometimes as a perfectionist, working on a project for an extended period of time leads toread more

I think it’s quite normal for people to have their own set of standards. Everyone’s different. I think as long as it’s not harming someone else, then it’s fine. For example, some people have certain standards for romantic relationships. These could be related to appearance, religious beliefs, personality traits, education levels, etc. It’s interesting because some people think that they need to control other people’s standards. I think it’s okay to challenge people’s ideas, butread more

For the month of June, I’m combining a couple of different challenge ideas from CGC (Conscious Growth Club) to do every day. Every day before 3PM, I want to avoid using YouTube, playing PC/phone games, streaming services, movies, shows, TV in general, and social media (mainly Instagram). I have a few exceptions to the challenge, such as watching a video to meditate or exercise or promoting a song on social media. But otherwise, it’s prettyread more

I think certain therapies such as occupational therapy (OT) have their place, but sometimes I feel like it’s too focused on what I perceive to be “fake growth”. Instead of making internal shifts, I feel like it’s too focused on accomplishments and goals. I think it’s fine if it’s something you want to do. But otherwise, I’d much rather focus on “real growth”, which stems from internal shifts. How do I define “fake growth” vs.read more

Have you ever thought about creating habits or accomplishing goals based on your identity? So instead of just exercising a few times a week for a set amount of time, claim that you are an athlete, and act like athlete. Instead of just dabbling into blogging, actually own the identity of being a blogger and blog several times a week. I think this is a powerful shift if you can feel aligned in that particularread more

There are various forms of psychotherapies or therapies in general that revolve around the idea of reframing thoughts or beliefs. I find these therapies to be interesting, because I’ve had success with using them myself to change my behaviors or overall feelings about myself. Some of these therapies however frame certain emotions or feelings as being “negative”. They try to eliminate feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety, doubt, fear etc. I wonder if this is reallyread more

Some of us are used to receiving rewards in the form of food, perhaps from childhood, or just as a way we’ve been used to treating ourselves for good behavior. This can sometimes be in conflict with our health goals depending on the foods we reward ourselves with. It may be okay to reward yourself with fruit for example, but you might be used to indulging in sodas or cheesesteaks. Especially if you’re trying toread more