Welcome to the official website of Nessy, music artist/producer and online content creator.
This website is named after the creator/publisher, Nessy Mathew (also known as “Nessy on the Go” or simply “Nessy”). She started blogging back in 2003-2004 on various platforms with different aliases. In 2013, she purchased this domain. She restarted her blog 2 times, in hopes of creating more valuable content. Nowadays, she is more focused on other content such as music, streaming, and videos. However, still has her blog available for view.
Nessy currently has 13 singles (9 song covers and 4 originals) available online for streaming and download. Check out her songs here:
Amazon Music
Apple Music
YouTube (more song covers on my channel)
Lyrics, album artwork and more info can be found here.
Nessy released her book, DIY Artist Guide here, in September 2023. Although a bit outdated already, it contains some valuable information for posting and monetizing music online. She is considering updating the book.
Motivational and calming prints/designs can be found here. Physical products, most related to her music, can be on Redbubble.
Find Nessy’s recommendations of products on her Amazon storefront (books, self-care, music, and more). Please note that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. For more details, view the Disclaimer in the sidebar/footer (depending on your device) or here.
Nessy’s main social media pages outside of YouTube are @nessyonthego on Instagram and TikTok. She is not really active on other platforms, though you may find her.
One of Nessy’s public goals is to release a song this year that goes viral, with a minimum of 1 million streams/downloads.
Some interests (in no particular order):
– Foodie
– Travel
– Singing/music
– Comfy fashion
– Live streaming
– AI
– Gaming
– Vlogging
– Journalling