Is going to college worth it? Is college a scam?

I don’t blame teenagers for not knowing what they’re getting themselves into when they’re bombarded with propaganda from school counselors, teachers, principals, campus representatives, parents, extended family, etc. about how they need to apply for college, pick a major, and possibly accumulate tons of school debt, with no actual guarantee of a high-paying reliable job. Especially in this day and age with access to so much information with the click of a button and kidsread more

Have you ever considered monitoring your daily progress through keeping track of motivational buffs and debuffs? This may seem like a concept of gamifying life, and while there is that aspect as well, I am mostly approaching this from a slightly different angle of bad vs. good choices or habits and how those decisions ultimately stack up and affect us. Motivational buffs are actions that we take that benefit us in some way. It mayread more

not every disability is visible

The other day, I came across this post on social media. I’ve seen it a few times before as well. But, I was surprised by some of the comments people left. It seems like a lot of people still don’t understand the disabilities are not always related to the physical, and even some physical disabilities may not be visible to others. If we break down the word disability itself, we have dis- (from Latin) andread more

100000 steps a week

Soooo… I’ve been pretty inactive over the past few years. That changed recently when some friends came to visit the city. I doubled, tripled, quadrupled, and sometimes even quintupled my average steps per day. On a typical day, I’d be lucky to get 5,000 steps in. But that particular week, I was averaging between 15K-25K steps a day. My feet were starting to hurt just a few days in, but I sucked it up andread more

writing 10 ideas down a day

Recently, I decided to try this new habit of writing 10 ideas a day. Sometimes, it appears to be more of a to-do list. Sometimes, it’s just random thoughts that occurred to me. The main advantage for me is that I can essentially braindump and see what I can get out of it. At first, I was simply writing 10 ideas down. But then, I started experimenting with taking action with these ideas too. Myread more

stop trying to provide value to other people, do this instead

Yep, I know, this is gonna sound a bit controversial. But, I do think some people (young folks especially) could use this advice. A lot of people in the personal development and entrepreneurial fields say something along the lines of: “Find a way to provide value.” However, a lot of people fail to realize that the value they think they’re offering to other people (especially when starting off) may not actually be of any valueread more

How to overcome boredom long-term

(This post contains Amazon affiliate links; more info can be found here or on the sidebar/footer depending on if you’re on mobile/PC.) I’ve only experienced boredom for extended amount of time due to illness. And even then, I was able to find ways to resolve it. Boredom itself is not the issue, but how you deal with it. If you’re bored all the time, then it is a sign that something needs to be changed. Almost always,read more

10000 experiments rule

This past month, I discovered the 10,000 experiments rule. Most of the things I do in my life are a series of experiments anyway, so this was perfect for me. It’d be a bit more intentional though, and would involve more documentation. If you don’t know, the 10,000 experiment rule is spinoff from the 10,000 hour rule. It’s about trying new ideas and seeing what leads from there. It’s based off the scientific method, whichread more

I am a bit of a perfectionist. (Okay, maybe a lot of a perfectionist.) The main reason I have been this way for years is because I think it is important to produce and share good quality work. If I know that I am capable of producing better content, then I want to be able to provide that. But sometimes as a perfectionist, working on a project for an extended period of time leads toread more

It’s pretty surprising, a lot of singers, producers, songwriters, rappers, music artists in general on YouTube are missing out on making passive income with their music. I certainly missed out for over 3 years of passive income with some old song covers, simply because I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. To start off, I am considered an independent artist. I am unsigned. I’ve never been part of a record label. I don’tread more