When people think of the word “strength” or “strong”, they typically think of physical strength. They may think of a bodybuilder or someone athletic. Besides physical strength, there is mental strength. Mental strength takes practice for those who are not used to exercising their brain. But with enough practice and commitment, you can learn how to achieve large goals and dreams. There are many times in our lives where mental strength is useful. If youread more

Many people suffer in silence. Instead of opening up, they hold back for one of many reasons. Some of these reasons include fear of judgment, fear of rejection, a state of ambivalence, not wanting to express or share sadness, and holding back anger as to not treat other people badly. Is it okay to suffer in silence? Some people are better at managing their emotions and feelings more than others. Sometimes, others may feel likeread more

What are beliefs? Beliefs are formed through repetitive thoughts that our brains have concluded. Some beliefs can be helpful, and other beliefs can be destructive. What I’ve found to be useful is to examine old destructive beliefs, reframe them, and live a more conscious and positive life through more empowering beliefs. We can have all sorts of beliefs. Usually when we hear the word “belief”, we think of religion. Christians believe that Jesus died forread more

We all have parts of our past that we wish we could forget. One thing you have to realize is that you are not alone, and there are ways to forget your past and move on. The first thing you should make sure to do is examine your past and see if there is a lesson there that you could learn from. If you’re suffered from an abusive relationship, you could take it as aread more

Forgiveness can be a touchy subject for some. What is true forgiveness, and how do we know if we have truly forgiven a situation? During the course of our lifetime, we may experience negative situations such as betrayal of trust, physical abuse, or bullying. These experiences are not pleasant at all and can lead to bitter resentment. When we forgive someone, we have to put ourselves in that person’s shoes. Perhaps we would not haveread more

Do you enjoy going for walks in your neighborhood or at a local park? Walking can be a therapeutic way to release everyday stress and tension. It can be meditative, and it can contribute to your physical wellbeing. I have been making it a goal at the gym to walk and run at least 15 minutes a day, or at least 5 minutes on the elliptical (because it requires more energy than a treadmill). Asideread more

How do human beings learn to trust each other? They learn how to trust each other by getting to know one another and building up a good rapport. When you build up that trust, it sets up a good foundation for true relationships. If you are the type of person who does not trust easily, you can start off with small blocks of trust. Trust that when you are friendly and say hello, it opensread more

Life is a precious miracle. We never know what tomorrow may hold. All we can do is just try our best to live a fulfilling life. Often times, people settle for mediocrity. This is due to how they were raised. We all grow up with various beliefs formed from our childhood. When those beliefs go left unexamined, we settle for less and forget to chase after our true dreams. I’m here to tell you thatread more

Does originality really exist? In some form, it does. We have people coming up with all sorts of new inventions every day. However, even with new inventions, we find that it is based on old ideas. When I write blog posts, some part is original (e.g. my writing style), but other parts are fresh and new ideas. Does that make me an original writer, or someone who is inspired by other people’s writing? I sayread more

In the personal development field, people are alluded to believing that you must be positive 100% of the time. However, this is not realistic. And sometimes, negativity is needed in order to figure out what the truth is. When you are too optimistic, you could become manic and trust people too easily. Or, you may overexert yourself. With negativity, you learn how to be more wary of people and circumstances. It is best to findread more