How Walking Can be Therapeutic

Do you enjoy going for walks in your neighborhood or at a local park? Walking can be a therapeutic way to release everyday stress and tension. It can be meditative, and it can contribute to your physical wellbeing.

I have been making it a goal at the gym to walk and run at least 15 minutes a day, or at least 5 minutes on the elliptical (because it requires more energy than a treadmill). Aside from that, I try to walk around at home or when I’m out and about.

Is it too cold outside? You can also try walking on a treadmill, either by purchasing one or heading to a local gym and signing up for a membership. You can also make it a challenge, bundling up and facing the cold first thing in a morning. It can be a refreshing way of waking up and starting your day.

Nowadays, many Americans are used to driving, and so they do not get enough basic physical exercise. If you own a car, you can try parking farther from your destination to get in some extra walking.

When you walk, you can focus on your posture and your stance. You can also pay more attention to your surroundings, taking in the slight chaos mixed in with the beauty. You can also enjoy nature if you go for walks such as in the park.

Some people like to wear headphones when they’re out, to block off distractions or random conversations with people on the streets. You can choose to listen to music, or listen to nothing at all. Just wearing headphones is enough to block off communication if that’s not what you’re interested in.

Make sure to wear comfortable shoes for long distances. You don’t want to end up with foot cramps or pain from wearing non-athletic shoes.

When you are walking, you can also clear up your mind. Breathe in the fresh air. Notice any movements around you. Tune into the sounds around you. Take in the scenery and enjoy the moment. Appreciate that your legs are able to move the way they move. Be grateful that your body is functioning well enough to walk. (;

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