How to Overcome Your Past

We all have parts of our past that we wish we could forget. One thing you have to realize is that you are not alone, and there are ways to forget your past and move on.

The first thing you should make sure to do is examine your past and see if there is a lesson there that you could learn from. If you’re suffered from an abusive relationship, you could take it as a lesson to be wary of the types of people you meet and to surround yourself with good people who care and love you. You could also make it an opportunity for you to move out and become independent.

The second thing you should do is to realize that some people do not know what they are doing and are not as conscious as they should be. Some people are rude, ignorant, or selfish. That does not mean that we have to give into fear. Love yourself first and make sure to take care of your own wellbeing.

As for truly overcoming your past, you have to release the anchors that are keeping you stuck in the past. You have to focus on the present moment and look forward to your future moments.

I remember times when I was stuck in toxic relationships with people, such as when I allowed people to bully me when I was younger. However nowadays, I know how to fend for myself and do not allow others to trample all over me. When I am uncomfortable doing something, I do not engage in those activities. I take the higher route and look out for my wellbeing.

Often times when I just focus on the now and improve my current state of being, I find that I am more accepting of the past. I learn from my mistakes and move on.

For some people, it can be a struggle to move on from your past that quickly. But with practice, you can learn to let go and to let love guide you. You can start small by doing positive activities such as enrolling in a dance class or talking to a friend/therapist.

You’ll also want to note that the past is not you. Whatever happened, happened. That doesn’t mean anything less of you. It just means that you had some rocky obstacles, and you can always navigate back to positivity, to a more fulfilling life.

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