How Your Beliefs Shape Your Reality

What are beliefs?

Beliefs are formed through repetitive thoughts that our brains have concluded. Some beliefs can be helpful, and other beliefs can be destructive. What I’ve found to be useful is to examine old destructive beliefs, reframe them, and live a more conscious and positive life through more empowering beliefs.

We can have all sorts of beliefs. Usually when we hear the word “belief”, we think of religion. Christians believe that Jesus died for their sins. Muslims worship Allah. But beyond religion, beliefs can be formed around topics such as money or love.

One belief that people working 9-5 might have is, “I can never make money without having a job.” This is an disempowering belief that forces people to just rely on active income (through a salary). However if these people were to examine where the thought came from, maybe from their childhood when their parents were struggling to make ends meet, they can eliminate the belief and start their own businesses if they wish to do so.

I used to stress out about money. But recently, I formed a more empowering belief and said to myself, “There are tons of ways to make passive income online! I might as well hop onto the online abundance train.” Even though I do not have much experience with passive income, I know that if others succeeded at doing it, so can I.

Try examining your core beliefs. Are they positive or negative? If they are negative, find out where those thoughts first stemmed from, usually from your childhood or from past traumas. Then, reevaluate those beliefs. For example, if you have been abused before in the past and feel like you are not important or like you are worthless, you can look back and think of other alternative thoughts. Perhaps you were abused in the past, but that does not mean that you don’t deserve happiness. It could mean that those people who were abusive were mentally ill and had no idea what they were doing. Or, it could mean that had someone been there, you would have not been abused. It could mean many things. But, it does not mean you are worthless. Everyone is worth of love.

You want to make sure that your core values stem from a place of positivity. You want to be optimistic about your life, not feeling like you spiraling down into doom and suffocation of life. Your life is yours to enjoy.

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