Chase After Your Dreams

Life is a precious miracle. We never know what tomorrow may hold. All we can do is just try our best to live a fulfilling life.

Often times, people settle for mediocrity. This is due to how they were raised. We all grow up with various beliefs formed from our childhood. When those beliefs go left unexamined, we settle for less and forget to chase after our true dreams.

I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to become a singer, take singing lessons, go out there and perform, and share some of your music. If you want to be an athlete, join a local sports club. If you want to be a rocket scientist, study physics or learn more about astronomy. Why settle for less?

I think the reason that people settle for less is because of what they were taught when they were younger. It doesn’t help that the educational system emphasizes jobs more than creating businesses or performing freelance work.

The majority of people don’t know how to make money and how to live a fulfilling life that surrounds your career: a job. But a stable job is not the only way to be successful. If you want to live abundantly, you should seek opportunities in every moment.

Due to our childhood beliefs, we often forget to pursue our real dreams. It doesn’t help when you’re surrounded by people who tell you to settle for less. You have to be proactive and find those people who are pursuing their goals and dreams. That is where you can start.

Here are a few dreams that I’d love to fulfill:

– Create a music album
– Publish eBooks
– Relearn the piano
– Become a dancer
– Travel to Neptune (;

I’m kidding about the last one, but how cool would it be if we created the type of technology that would allow us to space travel to other planets? 😀

Remember that money is not a necessity, and that it’s more important to enjoy your life. It’s more important to choose a job that you’d love to work for. It’s more important to be happy.

And for all my fellow passive income pursuers, it’s possible to find avenues of passive income that you enjoy dabbling in. It doesn’t have to be all work. It can be full of fun and play.

If you have a dream that you’d love to pursue, try to find people with common interests. You can find people with similar ideas through Meetup.

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