Early into my personal development journey, I heard this saying that you are the average of the five people that you spend your time with. I didn’t really question it; I thought it made a lot of sense. And I also heard/read a lot of self help content that pointed to being very cautious about the people you surround yourself with. Make sure they’re a team of A players. Make sure they’re people whose lifestyleread more

(This post contains Amazon affiliate links; more info can be found here or on the sidebar/footer depending on if you’re on mobile/PC.) The other day, I started reading The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. So far from what I started reading, he goes into the “why” of working less instead of the “how”. And I have to say, I find it quite refreshing. It reminds me of why I wanted to become an entrepreneur vs. working aread more

Do you ever stumble across something you’re not entirely sure of how to do, and then hold it off for a long time– only to return to it and finally figure it out, but kind of realizing that it’s a little too late? Haha, well, that happened to me today. I finally took a few minutes to figure out how to import some old blog posts from pre-pandemic times. I have even older blog postsread more

(This post contains Amazon affiliate links; more info can be found here or on the sidebar/footer depending on if you’re on mobile/PC.) In recent years, I found confession with a priest to be similar to openly sharing about your traumas or your faults with a licensed therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. I thought it was about being vulnerable and being as transparent and honest as possible from your own perspective. But recently as I was reading Feeling Goodread more

(This post contains Amazon affiliate links; more info can be found here or on the sidebar/footer depending on if you’re on mobile/PC.) These days, I’m regaining my energy. I wake up earlier and I’m less likely to take naps midday (though sometimes I still do). I think it’s all thanks to lowering my dose of medicine. I don’t feel like I’m swimming through mud as much. And with that extra energy, the other day, I wrote aread more

I haven’t been posting much in terms of music, nor blogging, nor video content. I’ve been feeling quite lethargic. I’ve been struggling since I’ve been back on medications. The meds have some side effects, and the major side effect that I’m dealing with is fatigue and tiredness. I feel like a zombie for a huge chunk of my days. I thought that this year, I’d be more productive, creative, and overall be making more ofread more

Hearing Voices

A few months ago, I experienced a second psychotic episode. I had a feeling that it was going to occur earlier in the year when my stress levels were much higher than usual. I also had body pains (my wrists and ankles) as well as a sore throat, which made it difficult to rely on coping skills or any diversions. I couldn’t journal or walk for more than a few minutes. Meditation was the bareread more

google phone and good apps

These are the top four Android apps I’ve been using lately, all in health and education: 1. HabitsWhen I was attending uni, I used to use an iOS app called Lift, not to be confused with Lyft (the ride-sharing service). Lift is now known as Coach.Me and they still have an app, though it is still only really compatible with iOS. They have a web version, though it wasn’t always convenient for tracking habits inread more

I generally avoid sharing goals. I’m terrible at committing to a goal publicly. But otherwise, I’ve accomplished quite a few goals on my own, without needing to be held accountable to anyone in particular. There were times where I felt rushed to achieve a goal as soon as other people were clued into what I was doing (mostly because people are excited, and ahhh!). And, now I’m actively keeping people out of my business, unlessread more