After wasting precious time, energy, and resources framing TikTok as a spy on Americans for the Chinese government, Trump (who I will from now on refer to as “Con Man”) has reinstated TikTok. This occurred hours after TikTok being banned/removed from mobile app stores. As always, Con Man enjoys receiving credit and recognition at the expense of others. Below is a screenshot of the message American users received upon re-opening the app when it wasread more

There are people who practice law of attraction (LOA) through ignoring their present reality or the state of the world’s reality to “attract” “good things” into their life. These days, I’m not into LOA. I haven’t been into it for years. I don’t align with the mainstream version of LOA, and I don’t even bother with it in my day-to-day. Tactics involving LOA prey on vulnerable individuals who are prone to destructive behaviors. LOA isread more

To make a million dollars over the span of a decade, if the path were linear, you’d need to make $100K/year. Monthly, that’d come to around $8,333.33. On a per day basis (365 days a year), that’d be around $274/day. Of course if you were to take the active income route, realistically you wouldn’t be able to work every single day of the year. It’s not like you’re a machine. But, most of us doread more

I just started my subscription of Gemini Advanced the other day. It definitely has improving to do. I didn’t expect to have so much difficulty with it. These are the problems I encountered on just the first day of experimenting: My trial of Gemini Advanced is for two months, so I have plenty of time to experiment with it. I’d like to attempt to co-write some blog posts and articles with it, for both thisread more

Although I have had several friends throughout my life, there was one particular time when I didn’t have (close) friends, especially when I would have appreciated it the most. My childhood was rough for several reasons, and that led to me feeling so alone in this world at times, even with friends. Luckily, I didn’t have many child experiences of being friendless. It was thanks to my difficult experiences in middle school with bullying andread more

(This post contains Amazon affiliate links; more info can be found here or on the sidebar/footer depending on if you’re on mobile/PC.) My last post elaborating on how the majority of society has been conditioned to work most of or all of their lives was some of the best shit I’ve written in a while. Hell yeah. Aha, I know, I don’t normally curse on here. I refrain from doing so. But, I just felt like itread more


Most people have been conditioned to work their entire lives. It starts from the younger years, when children first attend school. They’re expected to be at school at a certain time, and if not it affects their attendance on their report cards. They don’t get out until 3-4pm, and then they may even have some extracurriculars that require them to attend school earlier or later. Even then, their days don’t end. They’re expected to doread more

I haven’t completely abandoned the no or low buy challenge, but I actually realized after looking into my spending (lol, how embarrassing) that I hardly spend anything at all. 😂 As in… yes, I spend. But compared to the average person? In comparison to how much I save and invest? I’m pretty minimal in my spending. If I had to give you a total (not including my big Black Friday/Cyber Monday spending, and not includingread more

After a major technology purchase during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales this year, I’ve decided to challenge myself to a “low buy” month, possibly extending to 6 months or even an entire year, excluding probably February when I plan to go to India. My motivation for doing this is mainly conscious spending, being sure that I’m purchasing things of great value vs. mindlessly buying gizmos here and there. And also, to hopefully focus more onread more

I finally got around to hitting a bucket list item: write a book. If you’ve been following my journey for almost a decade, then you might remember that I’ve published Kindle books in the past. However, this is different. For Kindle, I used unpublished content, and I wrote a quick Korean phrasebook of sorts. This one is a much more technical book that is specifically for music artists, musicians, and producers based in the USAread more