If you’ve been brainwashed by society into thinking that a job is the most secure way in which you can generate income, you’re about to become enlightened. Not only is a job one of the worst ways to make income, but it is also quite risky. Many people compete for the same job. Nowadays, there is no such thing as job security as there had been in the past. With technology, people are learning moreread more

A coping skill is a way in which we manage or deal with stress. There are two ways in which we can deal with stress. The first is called adaptive or positive coping skills, ways in which we can deal with stress in an uplifting or beneficial manner. The second is called maladaptive or negative coping skills, ways in which we engage in behaviors that are not beneficial or helpful in the long run. Thereread more

Many times in life, we are faced with the difficult decision of whether we can trust somebody or not. Some people trust quite easily. Others are guarded and rarely trust others, securing themselves in an imagined box. My rule is to build up trust in blocks. When you meet someone for the first time, it’s probably not a good idea to share your whole life story in one go. It’s best to get to knowread more

“You will never truly know yourself or the strength of your relationships until both have been tested by adversity.” – J.K. Rowling Adversity is the true test of strength in a relationship or in yourself. How you respond to adversity determines your character. It is the indicator of how prepared you are. When our relationships suffer in some way, the outcome of that relationship determines our strength. And when we internally suffer, our actions determineread more

When you’re feeling down and blue, the best person to turn to is yourself. You can be your own best friend in times of trouble. It requires you to practice self-care and self-love. In a sense, it requires you to be selfish, but in a compassionate and loving way. When you take care of yourself, you are outwardly showing that you want to receive happiness and love in return. You should make sure that youread more

“Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.” – George Santayana There are many different possibilities for your life. It takes a higher level of awareness to know what those possibilities are. It can be something as simple as choosing your next meal to something as life-changing as choosing your career. Nowadays with technology, we have so many possibilities of what we can do with our time. You can start a business throughread more

Everyone experiences ups and downs in life. What separates fulfilled people from unfulfilled people is the determination to never give up. It is the commitment to doing a little better than the day before. And even when we are feeling down or get sick in the process, we navigate around it (e.g. taking medicine or drinking soup when you’re sick) and get back up again. Life is what you make out of it. Never givingread more

Work can be boring sometimes. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Especially if you decide to go the entrepreneurial path, it can be lots of fun. You can combine play with work if you create a lifestyle first and work second. When you create a lifestyle first, you choose the activities that are most appealing to you. For example, nowadays, I like to do the following: blogging, uploading videos, producing music, and writingread more

Our minds tend to get stuck in the past, forming negativity thoughts or beliefs based upon our experiences. When we get stuck in negativity, we hold ourselves back and hinder our progress. We avoid engaging in certain activities that may be beneficial for us or that may help us to grow as human beings. The reason our minds come up with negative ideas is for the sake of survival. However, nowadays with technological advancement, weread more

The majority of us suffer internally through our minds. It happens naturally because our minds are designed to form conclusions based upon our experiences. When we experience what we perceive to be a negative outcome repeatedly, we tend to form negative beliefs about ourselves or the world around us in order to avoid those seemingly negative events. The problem is that if you continue to build up these negative beliefs, eventually you become stuck inread more