Never Giving Up is Success

Everyone experiences ups and downs in life. What separates fulfilled people from unfulfilled people is the determination to never give up. It is the commitment to doing a little better than the day before. And even when we are feeling down or get sick in the process, we navigate around it (e.g. taking medicine or drinking soup when you’re sick) and get back up again.

Life is what you make out of it. Never giving up is a sign of success. It means continually working to making things better. It requires a bit of flexibility in your plans, going with the waves of chaos and order as they come and go. And you are equipped with this knowingness that you can handle anything that life has coming your way.

I am reminded of Thomas Edison. He had to go through hundreds upon thousands of failures before he came up with the light bulb. It required him to be persistent and patient. He learned to enjoy the journey rather than getting discouraged by how long it took.

Is there a certain area in your life that you struggle to maintain? It may take time to fix, and that’s okay. Acknowledge that the problem is there, and try to take it a day at a time to fix it. Approach that area (or those areas) with gentle curiosity and see if you can improve it one step at a time.

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