This blog post is a little different from usual as I am using speech-to-text technology to write a significant chunk. My reason for doing this is simply because I have painted my nails, and so I am trying to avoid using my hands for now. 😉 But while I was trying to figure out how to use dictation on iMac, I was thinking about how some people are opposed to CBT due to the typicalread more

These are notes that I took from Dr. K’s stream (HealthyGamer_GG) on Twitch earlier today. They’re not perfect, and I missed bits of it. (I was hula hooping at the beginning when he said he’d be sharing his protips or rules for life, even missed part of how he phrased it.) But, here is what I wrote: RNG spawn point – you don’t get to choose your race, economic status, your background, etc. Life isread more

How do people choose goals? I’ve been pondering this more over the past year, as I’ve gone through 2 quarterly planning processes. I’ve never done quarterly planning prior to this year, not in business nor in personal life. Before, I would focus on the overall year or maybe the next week/month. I didn’t have much of a formal process for this. With the quarterly process, I noticed that I was trying to pack a certainread more

Sometimes, I’m not aware that there is an issue in the system I’m using, until I try to use it for a specific purpose. Just a few minutes ago, I tried sending myself a message through my contact form. Weeeell, it turns out, all my messages were stuck in the spam folder! It appears as if I’ve received dozens of messages since implementing the form, but because of how the spam folder works, anything olderread more

Thought I’d share a (quick?) avocado pro tip, easy “hack” for storing them and having them last longer. When avocados turn ripe, they can go bad quickly if not consumed right away. So, here is what I do: 1) Leave any hard avocados out to ripen.2) As soon as an avocado feels slightly soft to press on the outside, store it away in the drawer of the fridge.3) Pull out any soft avocado from theread more

(Note: I diverged quite a bit on this post… I don’t personally know much about Aaron Beck himself, just CBT and how it has helped me.) Dr. Aaron Beck was known for being one of the founders of CBT, cognitive behavior therapy. Although CBT is considered to be a form of psychotherapy, a lot of the techniques are pretty useful for people in general. He lived to be a little over 100 years old. Hisread more

Thank goodness internet archives is a thing! I’ve been blogging on this domain since 2013 (my first post apparently tracing back to September 10th, 2013). Prior to that, I had been using WordPress with a subdomain, the title being Conscious Understanding (I had deleted all my old posts, leaving it with just an update back on September 10th, 2013 as well). The years prior, I had been blogging under various pen names on Xanga, Blogspot,read more

using divergent thinking to resolve sleep issues

“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven’t.” Thomas Edison Today, I was feeling more frustrated and irritated than usual when during a workshop, I was hit with a sudden crash of energy. I was already feeling tired from the beginning, and tried to liven up. I engaged in chat, turned off my video while hula hooping as I listened in the background, stayed hydrated, consumed both breakfast and lunch, and still Iread more

I’ve been watching a lot of Dr. K videos more recently, and I find his views so refreshing. His perspective is quite unique in that it mixes Eastern philosophies with Western medicine. His Eastern approaches come from his experiences as a monk in India as well as ideas stemming from ayurveda and Hinduism. And, his Western medicine approach comes from his education at Harvard (and schooling in the US in general). Not to mention, heread more

wanting to do everything but doing nothing

There’s so many goals that I’d love to achieve, but then ultimately end up not working on. In a sense, I think I get overwhelmed by so many ideas that I don’t know where to start. Sometimes also, it seems like there are some timely opportunities that pop up, but the timing conflicts with other things that I’d also like to work on. So ultimately, I procrastinate in the best way I know how: watchingread more