People have all sorts of different boundaries. According to a handout from Wellness Reproductions, people who have healthy boundaries know how to set up limits and know what they will allow others to do or not to do. People with unhealthy boundaries have trouble trusting people and have poorly defined limitations. A way for you to figure out what your boundaries and limitations are is to first figure out what you do and do notread more

What does it mean to be empowered? It means having a “I can do anything!” attitude. It means chasing after your dreams without any regrets, explanations, or excuses.–HMyT/ According to Helen Keller, “We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough.” I believe everyone has the potential to be anything they want or to do anything they want. So long as you learn how to get along withread more

Love is an important emotion and feeling. Hatred exists too, but there is no reason that we should hate others. Personally, I try to accept others through a loving state of being. Some people don’t know how to love themselves, and so they take it out on other people. They get frustrated, annoyed, or irritated. Sometimes, it goes to an extreme and people choose hate or fear over love. Love is important because it showsread more

You’re not responsible for anyone else. You are responsible for yourself. We all have to be there for ourselves. You have to learn how to do it. Sometimes, this world can seem scary and evil, but it does not have to be that way. All you have to do is learn how to master your thoughts. The mind likes to play tricks on us sometimes, but we have to learn that our minds are notread more

“No great man ever complains of want of opportunities.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson In every stage of life, there are an abundance of opportunities at one’s disposal. You an find the hidden blessings and opportunities in each and every single moment. Even when things seem hard, there is always something good that you can be thankful for, and you can learn how to seek true happiness through the challenging moments. Sometimes, life is a more

Judgment is stupid because it never solves anything. Some people are quick to judge others based on appearance first, and character second. Others choose character over appearance. But either way, you can learn a lot about a person based on how they act, the words they speak, and the way they look. Some people do not take good care of themselves, and instead of looking inwards and reflecting on their actions, they take the blameread more

Complaining is usually a waste of time. The more time people spend arguing with each other, the less time we have focusing on enjoying a good life. My general rule of thumb is to not complain, but to proactively work on finding solutions. Often times, people don’t know what they are doing, and so they tend to just complain over and over again. You have to learn how to think above and to just ignoreread more

There are some universal laws and hermetic principles that work in mysterious ways. Most people are familiar with Law of Attraction, but there is another law called the Law of Reciprocity. The law of reciprocity works like this: Whatever you give away, you will receive back. The reason that this law is so powerful is that the more you give, the more you will receive back. For example, I am blogging on this website inread more

Music can be therapeutic. There are many genres of music that we choose to listen to: emo, punk, rock, gothic, rock and roll, classical, pop, R&B, foreign, K-pop, J-pop, C-pop, and more. What we choose to listen to can depict and influence our mood. Personally, when I listen to classical music, it feels calm and relaxed. It makes me feel like I am in peace. It helps me to get in a meditative state ofread more

Hustling takes hard work and dedication, but it can be achieved. It’s easy to get caught up in distractions, but you have to learn how to ignore the distractions and to focus. It takes time to learn how to focus too. Focus can be hard to some people, but for me, it now becomes natural. My schooling experience has been a little weird. I love learning. However, I enjoy having the freedom to learn thingsread more