Why Complaining Never Solves Anything

Complaining is usually a waste of time. The more time people spend arguing with each other, the less time we have focusing on enjoying a good life. My general rule of thumb is to not complain, but to proactively work on finding solutions.

Often times, people don’t know what they are doing, and so they tend to just complain over and over again. You have to learn how to think above and to just ignore what other people are doing or saying to you. You have to learn how to be strong and how to just be yourself.

Sometimes, you need to vent, but complaining is a negative coping skill. It’s better to either voice out your thoughts or to journal out your feelings. Other positive coping skills include listening to music, exercising, or singing.

When we complain about others, we reveal some of our own inner insecurities. What we find attractive in other people is what we like in ourselves. What we find disgusting in other people is what we find disgusting in ourselves.

How Does One Stop Complaining?

If you want to change your behavior and stop complaining, I suggest starting with meditating or journalling first. Then, you can clear your mind and learn how to think more logically and realistically (or positively at times).

Other strategies include seeking help from a therapist, though you don’t necessarily have to go to a therapist if you don’t need one. Reading self help material or relying on yourself to work out issues is also a good way of taking care of yourself and complaining less.

You also have to realize that it takes a bit of time and effort to receive something good in life. So if you keep complaining about having a bad life, you will continue to have a bad life. Whereas, if you complain less and just try, you can live a more fulfilling life. Take charge of your life, and never let it go! (;

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