What is acceptance, and how does one learn to accept reality? Acceptance is when you surrender to the truth. Many people live in denial and succumb to their present circumstances by using negative coping skills such as drinking or smoking. They become too comfortable that they are scared or wary of trying anything new. These people lack a higher sense of purpose and instead live paycheck to paycheck, filling the void inside by just consumingread more

People have all sorts of different boundaries. According to a handout from Wellness Reproductions, people who have healthy boundaries know how to set up limits and know what they will allow others to do or not to do. People with unhealthy boundaries have trouble trusting people and have poorly defined limitations. A way for you to figure out what your boundaries and limitations are is to first figure out what you do and do notread more

You’re not responsible for anyone else. You are responsible for yourself. We all have to be there for ourselves. You have to learn how to do it. Sometimes, this world can seem scary and evil, but it does not have to be that way. All you have to do is learn how to master your thoughts. The mind likes to play tricks on us sometimes, but we have to learn that our minds are notread more