Recently, I attend an event featuring Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary along with guest speakers Steve Sitkowski and Jeff Tomasulo. They promoted a software called Interactive Trader, a tool designed to help you make “smart financial decisions” with the stock market. I was at first tempted to buy into their program so that I could make money too. However within the few days that followed, I realized that this was not the path of a more

Have you ever progressed in a specific skill or talent, only to slide down in progress due to an unwanted break? I dabbled in and out of music several times. It’s not easy to get back into the swing of music production after you notice that you’re out of practice. Today, I posted a song cover of Impassive – Owol, but it wasn’t nearly the quality that I was hoping to get out of more

“In three words, I can sum up everything I know about life. It goes on,” – Robert Frost Whether we like it or not, life goes on. Time continues to pass no matter what we’re doing. Well, time is also an illusion, something that is merely measured by the movement of the Earth’s revolution on its axis and around the sun. But as each present moment passes by, we can see that life still continuesread more

Courage is when you align with love and power to move past fear into a state of action. For many people, courage takes willpower and practice. We are not used to being courageous due to us falling to what society dictates or because our minds get stuck in a state of fear. How do you move past a state of fear in order to take action? There are two approaches to fear. One approach requiresread more

The first step in leading a fulfilling life is to first have true love for yourself. Many people confuse love for being conditional. Sometimes, we don’t love ourselves due to our appearance or due to our status as dictated by society. But we don’t have to give into that feeling of unworthiness. If we can look within ourselves and start from a place of love, our world can unfold in beautiful ways. How can youread more

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” – Pablo Picasso This is a wise quote from the artist Pablo Picasso. I agree with it because as children, we are quite imaginative and adventurous. We are naturally excited about life and draw into our inner creativity in order to live our lives. However, as we grow older, we fall into the pit of what most ofread more

There are different ways in which you can express gratitude. Practicing gratitude on a daily basis can help you to keep a positive outlook on reality. It can motivate and inspire you to embark on new thrilling adventures of life. Here are just a few ways in which you can express gratitude. Journaling or listing things you are grateful for You can express your thanks through journaling. You can write it in a list format,read more

We tend to see life as linear, even though life does not exactly work that way. Sometimes, we are served a curved ball, and we are unsure about how to navigate that new curve. It tends to get even more confusing as several curves hit us at once through several points. Failure is inevitable as we navigate life and try to resolve those patterns and new forces or directions. However as much as we’d loveread more

“You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.” – Anonymous Seldom do people take action to back up their desires. If you are one of these people, it’s because your mindset is stuck in safe mode. That is, you lean to what’s comfortable rather than exploring the unknown. However, with inaction, there are many consequences. For one, you are not guaranteed comfort forever without action. And two, you will feel more

Our minds have a way of concluding how people are and how they live based upon our own experiences. This happens because our minds like to predict outcomes and not to lie in ambiguity. In a way, we’d like to be able to read people’s minds and learn how to filter out our connections based on the kinds of interactions we’d love to have. However, if we are not careful, we can conclude the wrongread more