Taking Action

“You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.” – Anonymous

Seldom do people take action to back up their desires. If you are one of these people, it’s because your mindset is stuck in safe mode. That is, you lean to what’s comfortable rather than exploring the unknown.

However, with inaction, there are many consequences. For one, you are not guaranteed comfort forever without action. And two, you will feel unfulfilled. You might feel lost and confused about life.

Rather than just sitting on the fence waiting for the grass to become greener on your side, your actions should match your desires. You should feel like you want to get off that fence and do something with your life (or the grass). You have the ability to turn the grass and weeds into a beautiful garden of colorful flowers and trees, attracting bunny rabbits and playful squirrels.

If you’re used to being inactive, you might want to start off small. Pick up one or two easy habits to change your life daily. For example, you can meditate for 5 minutes in the morning before work. Or, you can read a personal growth article once every evening. Do something to engage your mind and your five senses. Perhaps you can go for a daily walk in the neighborhood.

It doesn’t matter what you end up doing. In the end, death is inevitable. But you can find a way to cherish every moment by engaging in activities that fill up your soul. Once you start of small and build up a few good habits (maybe over the course of a month), you can move on to instilling more habits or finding exciting hobbies to engage in. Try not to overthink things and just do the best that you can to lead a fulfilling life through action.

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