Courage is when you align with love and power to move past fear into a state of action. For many people, courage takes willpower and practice. We are not used to being courageous due to us falling to what society dictates or because our minds get stuck in a state of fear. How do you move past a state of fear in order to take action? There are two approaches to fear. One approach requiresread more

Our minds have a way of concluding how people are and how they live based upon our own experiences. This happens because our minds like to predict outcomes and not to lie in ambiguity. In a way, we’d like to be able to read people’s minds and learn how to filter out our connections based on the kinds of interactions we’d love to have. However, if we are not careful, we can conclude the wrongread more

Life can be a confusing journey. Sometimes, we are tempted to succumb to deception and lies based on previous experiences. We may feel as we cannot open up and be our authentic selves, perhaps due to the chance of experiencing rejection. We take those rejections to heart and have trouble communicating our honest thoughts and intentions. However, a life of truth tends to be a fulfilling journey. That doesn’t mean that you have to exposeread more

Happiness is an interesting feeling. It is loving and caring. It is true bliss. And it is feeling compassion and empathy for one another. Sometimes, people can be confused about whether or not they are happy. But if you’re at a state of contentment, satisfied with life, you could say that you are happy. You can experience events at a higher level of perception than most, looking to experience new ideas patiently rather than rushread more

Often times, we focus on what’s going on externally from us. We perceive certain events to be for us or against us. We forget to take a look inwardly to see if there is something else going us, causing us to experience what we perceive to be negative. Rather than working externally to change events, it is best to focus inwardly. Focus on yourself. Learn how to change and master your reality by focusing onread more

There is a difference between unresolved fear, intuition, and instinct. Unresolved fear means that you are opposed to certain kinds of experiences. It causes you to avoid those triggers and to lie in what is most comfortable for you. Intuition is a gut feeling about whether something is right or wrong for you. Gut instinct is your body’s natural reaction to certain events or actions. Unresolved fear can be mistaken for intuition. The difference isread more

Do you hold onto unresolved guilt? Guilt is a sign that something went wrong. It is an indicator that you’ve lose control of your thoughts and that you need to examine some underlying issues. In a sense, guilt can be a useless emotion and feeling if you allow it to manifest for a long period of time. When you feel guilty about a past event, you dwell in the zone of “I wish things wereread more

Where does our idea of worthiness come from? Your brain has a way of concluding thoughts or ideas based around your experiences. Part of it is due to survival instincts. Back in time, before supermarkets and residential housing existed, our brains perceived some events to be fearful or negative as a way to protect ourselves. But in the modern age, we are less prone to danger. Despite us knowing consciously that we are safe, ourread more

Sometimes, we perceive feelings to be facts. But, that is not always the case. Feelings arise from our perception of reality. Our minds create thoughts, conclusions that we base on our experiences. We can always change the story as we go. Sometimes, we may think negatively. Other times, we may think positively. And still other times, we may think on a neutral standpoint. You want to be careful about how you think. There are someread more

We all have or have had inner demons that we’ve been struggling with. No two people are exactly the same, but we may share similar demons. We may share similar pasts. We may all face various paths. The best part of facing your own demons is that you’re not the only one who has faced them. On some level and in different ways, we are all connected. So, there is no reason to feel emptyread more