How to Live in Truth

Life can be a confusing journey. Sometimes, we are tempted to succumb to deception and lies based on previous experiences. We may feel as we cannot open up and be our authentic selves, perhaps due to the chance of experiencing rejection. We take those rejections to heart and have trouble communicating our honest thoughts and intentions.

However, a life of truth tends to be a fulfilling journey. That doesn’t mean that you have to expose every part of your life to every person you encounter. But, it means that you can be true to yourself and live authentically, in oneness with truth and honesty. It means that you accept who you are completely and that you won’t feel pressured by society to be something you’re not.

Living in truth can be a scary idea to encounter at first, especially if you’re used to running away from your true self. It requires you to think outside of the box and discover your inner truth. Who are you? What do you enjoy? What do you detest? What do you stand for? Before you can accept your truth, you have to question yourself and figure out where you are in life.

How can you learn to live more in truth?

When you’re first starting off in this journey, you want to make sure to express your truth in a safe place. That is, you might want to start privately just by journalling out your thoughts and emotions or feelings. Or, you can seek guidance from a trusted friend, or a therapist even. You want to make sure that you have a safe place to express yourself so that you can determine what it is that is holding you back from living your truth.

If you are unable to afford therapy sessions, you can look into government-funded programs or through your health insurance plans to see if you qualify for free services. Otherwise, you can rely on yourself to grow and to align more with truth. This may require you to shed off old friendships, quit your day job for something better (whether that be another job or a new business), or change your drinking habits (consuming less alcohol from day to day). Whatever situation you are in, you can get out of just by aligning more with truth and honesty.

If you have trouble being honest with yourself, it may be because you are escaping a part of yourself that you don’t want to admit. In that case, you have to learn how to accept your past mistakes or failures and learn that you can always do better next time with the wisdom that you’ve acquired. Everyone makes mistakes, but learning from it is most important. That is a way you can align yourself with nor only more truth, but power as well.

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