Although I have had several friends throughout my life, there was one particular time when I didn’t have (close) friends, especially when I would have appreciated it the most. My childhood was rough for several reasons, and that led to me feeling so alone in this world at times, even with friends. Luckily, I didn’t have many child experiences of being friendless. It was thanks to my difficult experiences in middle school with bullying andread more

(This post contains Amazon affiliate links; more info can be found here or on the sidebar/footer depending on if you’re on mobile/PC.) My last post elaborating on how the majority of society has been conditioned to work most of or all of their lives was some of the best shit I’ve written in a while. Hell yeah. Aha, I know, I don’t normally curse on here. I refrain from doing so. But, I just felt like itread more


Most people have been conditioned to work their entire lives. It starts from the younger years, when children first attend school. They’re expected to be at school at a certain time, and if not it affects their attendance on their report cards. They don’t get out until 3-4pm, and then they may even have some extracurriculars that require them to attend school earlier or later. Even then, their days don’t end. They’re expected to doread more