When I think of ambitious people, my first impression is that they’re hard workers, highly intelligent, highly motivated, full of energy, and love their life. These are all positive traits for the most part. But when I compare myself, I feel like I don’t fit these traits. I don’t work hard. I just do what I feel like for the most part. I don’t consider myself that intelligent. I guess I’m “above average”, but I am not an expert at any particular subject. I’m just okay at most things. I don’t feel highly motivated these days. I lack some energy. I don’t particularly enjoy my life to the extent that I did back when I was living in Korea or taking classes at Drexel during my junior and senior years. So, I guess it’s more so an excuse of why I’m not ambitious or why I can’t be like them.
I don’t surround myself with ambitious people. I worry that I’ll stress out more if I do, because I’ll be constantly looking to do more and that might affect my mental health. But also, I might become dissatisfied with life if I am constantly surrounded by ambitious people. I guess it’s important not only for these people to be ambitious, but to also be positive and encouraging more than critical. I guess another barrier of mine is that I’m not too open to change. I like when things feel relatively comfortable and easy for me. I haven’t been challenging myself these days. But then again, not all positive, ambitious people live a life of labor. They may have created an enjoyable lifestyle that leads to success, like Steve Pavlina. He started off blogging and speaking about personal development, and that’s pretty much his life now. He has a coaching program that revolves around personal growth, and he enjoys it. If I surrounded myself with people like him, they’d encourage me to focus on creating an abundant lifestyle rather than just focusing on money alone.
If I want to inspire myself to become more ambitious, I could watch YouTube videos on the subject. I get recommended these types of videos from time to time. I could read books by ambitious people like Michelle Obama’s Becoming. I don’t really read books these days. I read articles and blogs. I could read these books and maybe even review them on my blog.
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