1. A lot of time is wasted shaving your legs. Let’s say you start shaving when you’re 13 and stop when you are 65. If you shave twice a week for fifteen minutes at a time, you will spend 81,120 minutes or 1352 hours shaving. That’s a little over 56 days of shaving. Personally for myself, when I shave, it takes anywhere from 20-45 minutes to shave my legs depending on how long the hairread more

I’ve been trying to pursue passive income or creating my own business for a few years now. I guess in a sense you can say that I’ve retired from the workforce early because I don’t grind a typical 9-5 job like most people. But what is it like, retiring in your 20s? How do you spend your time when you’re not working all day? For many people, retiring early seems like a dream. You canread more