Success Triggers by Ramit Sethi – Worry

Three things that I worry about that I have no control over:

1) Hearing a voice and not being able to get rid of it on my own or through medication
2) My appearance (acne, weight gain from meds, hairiness)
3) Decisions I’ve made in the past

One thing I’ve been worrying about lately has been dealing with the voice I hear and how I’m going to live the rest of my life with it if it doesn’t ever go away. I tend to get stressed out in the evenings when it talks. In the day, I can deal with it because I usually find ways to distract myself. But in the evenings when I’m trying to wind down, the voice can be sometimes more active. It’s a limiting belief to think that the voice always acts up in the evenings, so I tried to be open to it possibly being quiet. A few nights ago, it was quiet in the evening, and it was pleasant. But yesterday, it was active again, and I became easily stressed. I feel overwhelmed when the voice asserts its presence.

If a friend came to me with the same problem of hearing the voice, I would suggest taking it a day at a time and seeing what works and what doesn’t work. I would suggest experimenting with different activities to see if it quiets down. And, I would suggest that they open their mind to the possibility that the voice can and will quiet down in the evenings just as it has quieted down during the day.

Sometimes, I worry about money. This worsens when I spend time with my father at times. He brings up the subject of money, how much I should be making, and suggests that I work more. Honestly, I don’t see the point of getting a part-time job vs. building a passive income stream, because I won’t be saving much from a part-time job. It’d only be worth it if it’s a job that I would like or would enjoy. Otherwise, I’d have to spend extra hours every week just to maintain a certain stream of money. It’s better to build a passive income stream instead so I don’t have to worry about working. Anyway, the point is, I should probably move out so that I can either be on my own and do things that align with my values (making passive income, not working just any part-time job), or surround myself with people who are doing what I want (people who create passive income and don’t have jobs). I hate worrying about money. It should be something that’s fun to do, not a chore.

I don’t think there’s any worry I have about something that is already optimized. I could work on improving every area of my life. I’m starting at a pretty low standard. My standards for living are pretty low since I have trouble dealing with hearing a voice. It’s better now, but I still struggle.

If I want to make more music, I could find people to work with. I could find someone to produce the instrumentals while I focus on the vocals for example. That would make it easier for me to post more music online.

I think this post is shorter than the others. There was less for me to write on this subject with the study questions. I think it’s useful to try to imagine someone else having the same worry as you and coming up with advice for how they could deal with that problem. It’s easier to come up with solutions looking from the outside in.

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