There are people who practice law of attraction (LOA) through ignoring their present reality or the state of the world’s reality to “attract” “good things” into their life. These days, I’m not into LOA. I haven’t been into it for years. I don’t align with the mainstream version of LOA, and I don’t even bother with it in my day-to-day. Tactics involving LOA prey on vulnerable individuals who are prone to destructive behaviors. LOA isread more

These are notes that I took from Dr. K’s stream (HealthyGamer_GG) on Twitch earlier today. They’re not perfect, and I missed bits of it. (I was hula hooping at the beginning when he said he’d be sharing his protips or rules for life, even missed part of how he phrased it.) But, here is what I wrote: RNG spawn point – you don’t get to choose your race, economic status, your background, etc. Life isread more

Sometimes, I’m not aware that there is an issue in the system I’m using, until I try to use it for a specific purpose. Just a few minutes ago, I tried sending myself a message through my contact form. Weeeell, it turns out, all my messages were stuck in the spam folder! It appears as if I’ve received dozens of messages since implementing the form, but because of how the spam folder works, anything olderread more