Experience Every Emotion

Often times when we look up to successful people, we forget that those people have dealt with struggle or negativity of their own. We look to these people as being lucky or fortunate. But nowadays, we are experiencing a more level playing field. Technology tells us that we are just making excuses if we only try and not do. And everyone, regardless of race, gender, or religion can learn to overcome their failures and mistakes, and their emotions.

Our emotions can serve as a compass or guide. Emotions are a part of everyday existence. If we did not have them, then we would experience a dull life. Maybe, we may not even feel as if we are living with no emotions.

Successful people take the negativity and transform it into some good. For example, if someone was feeling tired all the time, it would be a sign that this person should relax more and maybe get some more rest. Or, they can change up their diet to see if it helps. If someone were in the mindset of “I can’t do this anymore”, they would succumb to laziness for a long period of time, perhaps never addressing the root cause of the problem of tiredness.

Negativity can be a guide for us to try something different. It may be as simple as decluttering your environment to something as complicated as changing your whole career path. Rather than letting the negativity get you down, it’s more important to learn how to deal with these negative emotions.

One of the best ways to deal with negativity is to remove limiting beliefs about yourself or about the world. Eliminating a negative belief can help you to foster more positive thoughts. Though at the same time, you want to acknowledge real threats and dangers (e.g. it might not be a good idea to stick your hand in a fire, but it can be rewarding to enroll in a new yoga class for your health even if you feeling social anxiety).

The best way to live through every emotion is to just let it be. Experience all the emotions and try to process your thoughts through methods such as listening to guided meditations. Or, you can use a creative outlet such as blogging, journalling, or even songwriting.

Sometimes, we struggle with dealing with changes in our life. In these situations, we may feel the need to vent out our frustrations with loved or trusted ones. Or, it could be a sign that you should relax and take a breather. Perhaps life doesn’t have to seem so bad once you realize that you have clothes, you have shelter, and you have food. Some people can’t even say that much. So once you understand that perspective, suddenly everything isn’t as bad as it once appeared.

Even the most happiest or positive person you come by may experience negative emotions. What separates “positive” people from “negative” people is how they deal with their emotions. Are you navigating life through destruction (giving in to negativity) or through construction (i.e. writing your feelings out)?

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