Manifesting Tomorrow Through Music

There are people who practice law of attraction (LOA) through ignoring their present reality or the state of the world’s reality to “attract” “good things” into their life. These days, I’m not into LOA. I haven’t been into it for years. I don’t align with the mainstream version of LOA, and I don’t even bother with it in my day-to-day. Tactics involving LOA prey on vulnerable individuals who are prone to destructive behaviors. LOA is not a miracle solution to absolving all life’s problems. It’s an avoidance measure. Most people I’ve seen practicing LOA (especially in the mainstream way) have trauma, are abusive, or both. There are very few who utilize it in a decent manner, and the ones I’ve seen successful with it do not primarily focus on LOA anyway.

Why am I bringing up LOA today? Well, tomorrow is Jan 20, which for some is a significant day in the US. But personally, I have changed the meaning of the day. Yes, my song cover Criminal drops on Jan 20, at 12AM EST. 😉 (On Spotify, it is already out in certain areas based on local times.) This is what I choose to focus my attention and energy on. I’m not really “avoiding” what is happening, but rewriting it. It is something that is outside of my direct control, so I choose to focus on things that I can control, one being my music and influence.

When practicing LOA, many people focus purely on “manifestations” or mindset. Most people would get ahead further if they coupled it with action. Action is the driving force for change in our lives. Simply desiring change is not enough. Even according to the popular self help book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill emphasizes the importance of planned action. In order to attain success, Napoleon suggests that you state what you will do in return for whatever it is you desire.

That is why for Jan 20, I do not accept the reality that others want for me, but forge my own reality. I create. I share. I speak my own reality into existence through action. I take back days shared by others and reprogram it into my own. Literally, rewriting history and leaving documentation/evidence behind. That’s the whole reason I even started blogging online a couple decades ago. Leaving my imprint on digital media is one way of creating my own reality.

Please realize that on this day, you have power. When thoughts and beliefs do not feel enough, take action. I recommend self care for most people as the first step.

I haven’t posted in a long time. I thought I would at the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025. I would write drafts several times, and then never post them. I even wrote on lengthy piece on Election Day 2024, and I had so much to say, but I never posted it. And then today when organizing and planning content, I was changing my website a bit and decided to write this.

Tomorrow, I am manifesting good vibes through music, socializing, self care, action. I carve out my own reality and invite others to share in it and expand.

For years, I’ve referred to my blog as “Conscious Balancing”. It truly is. Some people condemn certain actions as being inhumane or immoral. My values exist in grayscale. When I was vegan, people asked if I could ever kill an animal for survival. I responded yes, I would if that were my only source of food in a given moment and I would die otherwise. But interestingly enough, some of these same people who were meat eaters replied that they could never imagine killing an animal on their own. In response Hamas, Israel was involved in the mass killing (genocide) of thousands of innocent civilians. Some Israelis (and others) referred to these individuals as “animals”. The US federal government funded billions of dollars in weapons for the IDF. At the same time, the FBI and US media portrayed a man as a terrorist for killing a single individual who was responsible for putting profits ahead of the health and wellbeing of others by denying life-saving treatments.

This is why the blog title is “Conscious Balancing”, because what makes sense in one scenario could be drastically different in another scenario. You may think all murder is bad, until you are in a life-and-death situation yourself. You may think one individual’s life is nothing, until it’s you. Self awareness is not binary.

If you’d like to reframe Jan 20th into something more meaningful, feel free to stream my song cover of Criminal, originally by Britney Spears. This one is a modern take with hiphop vibes. It premieres at midnight, EST.