Writing a New Blog Post Every Day

Back in 2018, I remember there was a period of time between March and April when I was posting a blog post (or several blog posts) every single day. I was planning to keep it as a habit for months to follow, possibly even a year. But then weeks later, I had a weird experience with a voice I was hearing for a while. It was having a breakdown of some sorts and then I fell out of a lot of good habits. So, blogging every day didn’t work out as well as I planned.

Starting in the beginning of last year (2019), Steve Pavlina set a goal to blog every day. It reminded me of when I set my goal, but I had a hard time wrapping my head around it, mostly because I couldn’t see myself achieving that goal. I feel like I lack in a lot of ways these days in terms of self-discipline and motivation. I’m not as passionate about writing as I was in the past. And in the past, I was open to writing about a number of topics. Nowadays, I feel as if I’m limited in the number of topics I could discuss. Part of it has to do with hearing a voice. At first, I managed to stay positive despite what the voice said. But now, I know I have developed some limiting beliefs that hold me back from doing many things that I could be doing. And also, sometimes I’m quite negative. It’s not in a way that necessarily puts me down. It’s just I guess I’m being more realistic than imaginative, and so I set lower standards for myself.

Anyway, what does that have to do with the title of this post, writing a new blog post every day? Well, this morning while I was getting dressed, I thought about what would happen if I would write a blog post every morning. With quarantine going on, I’ve been on the computer anyway every single day without fail. And, I don’t do much else. Plus after writing a post yesterday, it seemed a little easier than I previously thought. The words flowed out of me. Sure, it might have not been organized or structured, but it was still readable, haha. That counts, right? Plus, the more you write, the better you get at it.

So I thought hey, why not try writing every day? Even if I fail, I would have learned something from it. I know I shouldn’t go into this with the mindset of “maybe I’ll fail”, but I have to be honest with myself since I’ve failed at committing to a lot of habits in the past. There are some habits I’ve successfully maintained like dressing up every morning, brushing my teeth every day, and taking meds daily. I guess I could learn from those habits and see how it would help me succeed in the habit of blogging every day. Hmmm…

I don’t know if anything extraordinary would happen as a result of blogging daily. Well, I’m going to list some of the positives I can think of:

– I’ll become a better writer.
– I’ll become better at communicating in general.
– I can express myself daily.
– It gives me a task to do and accomplish daily.
– I might be able to increase the money I make with Adsense and I might actually end up getting to the $100 mark to cash out finally (maybe not, but who knows).
– Eventually, this might help motivate me to post YouTube videos again, and might also help me to make money through that.
– I might be able to help someone else going through similar situations.
– I might gain more confidence in myself about expressing myself or sharing my knowledge.
– If I write enough about a certain topic and the content is good, I could use those blog posts to form an outline for an eBook, and make money from that.

Hmm, I can’t really think of anything else. I think these reasons are good enough. I’m not guaranteed to making money through blogging through my limited knowledge of it, but hey, who knows. And maybe I’ll get advice on the way from others.

I already have a few ideas for future blog posts. One would be about my experience with passive income. I haven’t made much passive income, just small amounts. I guess it would be helpful to talk about for anyone who wants to dabble into it and understand what it’s really like starting off.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading.

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