What is a Creativepreneur?

It has been almost one year and three months since I’ve moved on from the traditional job world. I decided to become an entrepreneur. Later, I modified it and transitioned into being a creativepreneur. Creativepreneurs are similar to entrepreneurs in that they both like to create businesses. However, creativepreneurs like to express themselves through avenues such as art or music. You can be a fitness coach who owns a gym and gives classes as an entrepreneur, but it does not fit under the idea of creativepreneurship. However, someone who sells knitted scarves through Etsy would be considered a creativepreneur.

What do creativepreneurs do?

Creativepreneurs perform all sorts of creative works:

– Woodworking
– Painting
– Drawing
– Blogging
– Writing
– Vlogging
– Video production
– Designer merchandising
– Singing
– Dancing
– Rapping
– Spoken word poetry
– Public speaking
– Photoshopping
– Web designing
– Fashion designing

Compared to a normal 9-5 job, creativentrepreneurs generally have more fun completing their work. That is because you get to be your own boss and explore any avenue of income. It can be stressful to be your own boss at first, but over time, you can build self-discipline and excel in being a creativepreneur.

For those who are interested in creativepreneurship, I suggest that you start off with something small, experimenting with one avenue at a time. Don’t jump at all the opportunities at once. Start with an area such as blogging and see how much you enjoy it. Take your time to learn how it works.

Personally, I want to get into creating my own clothing brand or merchandise. However, I am starting off simply by these three avenues: blogging with AdSense and Amazon’s affiliate program, YouTubing, and creating eBooks.

If you’re not sure where to start, I suggest starting with smaller streams of income such as creating an eBook or blogging. But if you’re feeling more ambitious and can set aside enough time throughout the day, you can start with any creative expression.

When you start off, you may need to write down checklists in order to make sure that you are focused. Try using a calendar or a small notebook to help keep you own track. Alternatively, you can use an app such as Evernote through your smartphone or computer. Organization is important when pursuing a creative business idea.

The front-load work takes time and patience, but once you get into the swing of action, the more rewarding it becomes. You can build skills a little more easily than you would at a traditional job. When you work for someone else, you are limited to doing the tasks that are assigned to you. But with creativepreneurship, you can start anywhere and then explore other avenues of self-expression. How cool is that? (;

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