Having Fun with Work

Nowadays, there is a lot of opportunity available for people to make money out of a lifestyle they enjoy. You can become a personal shopper, take online surveys or give feedback for dining at restaurants for free, make money off social media such as posting your outfit on Instagram, and more. Anyone in the digital era can partake in it, whether you’re close to retirement age or you’re just a youngster who is fascinated by all the technology that we own. You can even make money off of gaming through services such as Twitch. How cool is that? (;

Making a career based around your lifestyle

With the internet, we can find creative ways to make money based upon our lifestyle. If you enjoy playing the piano, you might consider selling music or giving lessons. If you enjoy painting, you can sell artwork or set up group classes. There are many ways to pursue active or passive income based on our hobbies.

I make money through blogging, publishing eBooks, and uploading YouTube videos (with music or personal growth content). These are just a few avenues in which people can create passive income through their hobbies. For more ideas on how to make passive income, check out this post.

If you enjoy traveling, you may be interested in going the digital nomad route. It may require you to be somewhat of a minimalist, unless you want to have one stable home set up somewhere. (You could perhaps rent out the property while you are away traveling.)

Can I make money out of any hobby?

The short answer is yes! Find what you are passionate about and base your lifestyle around it. Don’t focus too much on the money in the beginning. Just try to enjoy the process. If you fall in love with the process, then you are bound to make money from it some day through trying various methods.

There are people who teach certain hobbies or skills through online courses. I haven’t dabbled much into it yet, but I’ve heard and seen people make good money from it. It requires you to have a good computer or camera to record and upload. But if you have a particular skill that other people are interested in obtaining, you could teach classes online. The cool thing about this is that you only have to set it up one time, and the money comes rolling in.

What if I still have a job and am living paycheck to paycheck?

I suggest by starting off with engaging in fun hobbies on the side. Don’t feel as if you are only obligated to work and that’s it. You should enjoy your life.

The more you express yourself creatively through your hobbies, the more fun your life will be. And eventually if you’re up for the challenge, you can transition entirely into enjoying those hobbies full-time. Some people like to only engage in their hobbies without worrying about the money. But if you can create some passive income from it, I’d say spend a few hours here and there to making it work out.

Besides passive income, you can also create new streams of active income through your hobbies. I know of a lady who creates beaded jewelry. She makes a decent income from it on the side by making it available for people to purchase online. It’s a fun hobby of hers to express herself, meanwhile making some good money out of it.

You don’t necessarily have to quit your job. However if you want to transition to part-time or leave your current job, try pursuing your favorite hobbies on the side. See where that leads you. And of course, do your best to enjoy the process and the beautiful journey on the side.

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