Following Your Gut

There is a difference between unresolved fear, intuition, and instinct. Unresolved fear means that you are opposed to certain kinds of experiences. It causes you to avoid those triggers and to lie in what is most comfortable for you. Intuition is a gut feeling about whether something is right or wrong for you. Gut instinct is your body’s natural reaction to certain events or actions.

Unresolved fear can be mistaken for intuition. The difference is in how you feel. If you find yourself panicking or feeling nervous, it just means that you are in a fearful state of mind. On the other hand, intuition is when you can look objectively at what is happening before making a wise decision. Following your gut instinct means to react in a way that is best suited for your survival needs.

The way in which you can overcome unresolved fear is to either eliminate the fear through neurolinguistic programming or removing limiting beliefs. Otherwise, you can lean into that fear and learn how to be courageous in spite of that fear. You can practice being courageous through acting out of a place of love.

Intuition means that you can sense whether something is good or bad for you. This happens when the brain is able to process the potential events and decide what is best for you based on previous experiences. It is best if you follow your intuition. It may guide you into not attending certain events for your safety or wellbeing, or just for the sake that you do not resonate with such events. Or, it may suggest interacting with a certain person.

Instinct is when you react to an event out of a natural state of being. Some of these instincts are good. Other instincts may seem less civilized. For example, if someone is hungry, they may rush themselves into preparing and cooking food or eat a sandwich greedily. Our instincts can adapt over time, learning how to act more gracefully.

You can learn how to balance the three and identify which thoughts belong to which category. With instinct, you just do something without any forethought. With intuition and fear, you recognize how you feel in your mind. And with fear, you want to make sure where this feeling is stemming from, usually a place of scarcity. Balancing the three states of being are vital for living a good life.

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