Music can be therapeutic. There are many genres of music that we choose to listen to: emo, punk, rock, gothic, rock and roll, classical, pop, R&B, foreign, K-pop, J-pop, C-pop, and more. What we choose to listen to can depict and influence our mood. Personally, when I listen to classical music, it feels calm and relaxed. It makes me feel like I am in peace. It helps me to get in a meditative state ofread more

Hustling takes hard work and dedication, but it can be achieved. It’s easy to get caught up in distractions, but you have to learn how to ignore the distractions and to focus. It takes time to learn how to focus too. Focus can be hard to some people, but for me, it now becomes natural. My schooling experience has been a little weird. I love learning. However, I enjoy having the freedom to learn thingsread more

Confidence is a positive emotion. Having true confidence is learning how to be a strong human being. It means to stop playing games with your life and to live it to the fullest potential. Below is a song that I like to listen to in order to help boost my confidence. I like being confident because it allows me to excel in my life. I know it’s hard to not give up at times, butread more

Karma is a confusing subject for many people. I believe in karma, because whatever you give does eventually come back. Good things happen all the time to both “good” people and “bad” people. But what makes a person “bad” or “good”? I believe that karma works with law of attraction. Good karma always get rewarded. However, you may have to face some difficult obstacles in order to receive rewards. It’s not necessarily bad karma. Itread more

The way law of attraction works is by attracting things that are aligned with the same frequency as you. When you think negative, you attract negativity. When you think positive, you attract positivity. And what’s negative or positive is different based on the person you are. When you dream to accomplish something big, you may attract more negativity than usual. That’s okay because it just means that you’re somewhere on the right track. Below isread more

Bullying never solves anything. It is a way for people to escape their true feelings. When you bully people, you lower your state of consciousness and awareness. You have to be careful about how you use your words and how you treat other people. Personally, I don’t pay attention to negativity. I don’t get caught up in the news or in political affairs. The reason is because some people are irrational and use violence asread more

Nowadays, it’s easy to live a vegan lifestyle. The reason I call it a lifestyle is because it involves more than just food. It requires you to be conscious of your food choices, your clothes selection, and even your car selections. Just the other day, I went to Pure Sweets and Co. It is a vegan restaurant that supplies organic, kosher, and gluten-free foods. I ordered potato latkes with a little bit of what Iread more

“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for ’tis better to be alone than in bad company.” – George Washington I think that it is important to surround yourself with people who are at a higher level consciousness. What that means is that they are actively looking to take care of themselves while at the same time contributing to society. The truth is that no one is perfect, butread more

What is real love? Real love means acceptance of others and no judgment. The reason why true unconditional love exists is because it raises the level of your consciousness. Consciousness is important because it brings peace and higher level of understanding for yourself, for the people you choose to surround yourself with, and for the world. There is an old parable that goes like this: An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “Aread more

It can be difficult to assert your power, but we all have the ability to decline an invitation or request. All we have to do is say no. In certain situations, we may have to go as far as ignoring a request, though it is not always necessary. With a little practice, you can learn how to assert your power again. When someone asks you to do something and you don’t want to accept thatread more