Authority has a negative connotation. However, authority is an important aspect of one’s life. For example, when you make decisions, you want to make sure that you exert your power and are authoritative. Leaders are often thought of being authoritative. But, you too can be the authority of your own life. All you have to do is take action. And of course, you want to make sure you have some forethought to those actions. Whenread more

I’ve had braces for 10 months now. Although they are good for straightening my teeth, they are also distressing in many ways. Here are the disadvantages that I’ve noticed thus far: Tightness Every time you go to get your braces adjusted, you have to deal with the tightness of the brackets. It’s not that they tighten the brackets, but rather that the combination of the wires and brackets are pushing your teeth in a newread more