The People You Surround Yourself With

“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for ’tis better to be alone than in bad company.”

George Washington

I think that it is important to surround yourself with people who are at a higher level consciousness. What that means is that they are actively looking to take care of themselves while at the same time contributing to society.

The truth is that no one is perfect, but you can learn how to accept others for their flaws. At the same time, you want to make sure you don’t get consumed by negativity. You need to have balance, and the way to do that is to be smart about when you use negativity and when you use positivity. Too much optimism can lead to fatal consequences at times, and too much negativity can do the same thing.

Everyone has their own language of who they want to surround themselves with. For me, I like to surround myself with ambitious yet fun people. Truthfully, I find that there are few ambitious and fun people. But when you find these people, you know that you’ve created something special.

I like to surround myself with people who excel in all areas of their life, from health to appearance to career to finances. It is a tough road to follow, but if you follow your intuition, you can achieve anything that you put your efforts towards. It can be a little difficult to find these people, but if you just live your life, improve your relationships, and actively search for these people, you will find them.

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