Are you or someone else you know a couch potato? There isn’t anything wrong with being a couch potato per se as a few of us enjoy that kind of lifestyle or just need some time to recover. However, if you want to change your lifestyle, there are a few approaches to break the habit of being a couch potato. It can take some willpower, dedication, and time to change yourself. That’s okay, so longread more

Hustling takes hard work and dedication, but it can be achieved. It’s easy to get caught up in distractions, but you have to learn how to ignore the distractions and to focus. It takes time to learn how to focus too. Focus can be hard to some people, but for me, it now becomes natural. My schooling experience has been a little weird. I love learning. However, I enjoy having the freedom to learn thingsread more

Karma is a confusing subject for many people. I believe in karma, because whatever you give does eventually come back. Good things happen all the time to both “good” people and “bad” people. But what makes a person “bad” or “good”? I believe that karma works with law of attraction. Good karma always get rewarded. However, you may have to face some difficult obstacles in order to receive rewards. It’s not necessarily bad karma. Itread more

These days, I feel like I put myself on an intense supertrial. I lost around 10 lbs (from my peak weight), wake up at 6:30AM on weekdays, read a book daily, blog 2 times daily, exercise 2-4 times a week, shave almost daily, dress up with neat appearance daily, cook daily, and pray daily. Part of the reason for this is because I developed an A player mindset. I’ve set reasonable goals that are challenging,read more

“It is always good to know, if only in passing, charming human beings. It refreshes one like flowers and woods and clear brooks.” – George Eliot An A player is someone who excels at life. It is someone who conquers most or all areas of their life, from health to finances to relationships to spirituality. I am always looking to surround myself with A players because as they say, you become the people you surroundread more

My morning routine looks something like this: 1) Say out loud the things that I’m grateful 2) Wash my face and apply toner 3) Make my bed 4) Change clothes 5) Make breakfast and eat it 6) Drink coconut water 7) Prepare lunch 8) Brush my teeth 9) Write a blog post 10) Read Psalms 27 I’m thinking about getting up a little earlier so that I can get some reading done. I’ve been gettingread more

Rest and relaxation are vital components of life. Without it, we would disintegrate into nothingness. Okay, not really. But stress would take a toll on us, causing us to break down and possibly catastrophize. There are several ways to rest and relax: – Meditation – Read a book – Listen to music – Lie down – Sit on a couch – Watch TV – Watch a movie – Watch YouTube videos – Sip on someread more

For some people, waking up early in the morning can be a dreadful task. It doesn’t help when you have an annoying alarm blaring early in the morning, starting off the day in an angry mood. But if you are consistent with it and have some sort of relaxing morning routine, waking up early in the morning can be fun and productive. These days, I don’t get up super early. I get up at 7:00AMread more