My Morning and Nighttime Routines

My morning routine looks something like this:

1) Say out loud the things that I’m grateful
2) Wash my face and apply toner
3) Make my bed
4) Change clothes
5) Make breakfast and eat it
6) Drink coconut water
7) Prepare lunch
8) Brush my teeth
9) Write a blog post
10) Read Psalms 27

I’m thinking about getting up a little earlier so that I can get some reading done. I’ve been getting adequate amounts of sleep, so I think that it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge to wake up earlier.

This is my current nighttime routine:

1) Take a shower
2) Shave or wash my hair
3) Apply body oil
4) Change clothes
5) Set clothes for next day
6) Brush my teeth
7) Apply toner to face
8) Comb, style, or straighten hair
9) Pray

I want to add organization to my nighttime routine. I could use a little cleaning and organization before bedtime. Also, I want to add writing another blog post to my nighttime routine. It’s one of my goals to write 2x a day for the rest of the month of February. Other than that, my morning and nighttime routines have been working for me well.

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