There are people who practice law of attraction (LOA) through ignoring their present reality or the state of the world’s reality to “attract” “good things” into their life. These days, I’m not into LOA. I haven’t been into it for years. I don’t align with the mainstream version of LOA, and I don’t even bother with it in my day-to-day. Tactics involving LOA prey on vulnerable individuals who are prone to destructive behaviors. LOA isread more

“Life is like a library owned by the author. In it are a few books which he wrote himself, but most of them were written for him.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick I believe that there is a dualism of subjective and objective realities. With few books, it means that there are only a few books which we tell about ourselves. But, there is a whole host of stories that are out there about you byread more

There are some universal laws and hermetic principles that work in mysterious ways. Most people are familiar with Law of Attraction, but there is another law called the Law of Reciprocity. The law of reciprocity works like this: Whatever you give away, you will receive back. The reason that this law is so powerful is that the more you give, the more you will receive back. For example, I am blogging on this website inread more

Confidence is a positive emotion. Having true confidence is learning how to be a strong human being. It means to stop playing games with your life and to live it to the fullest potential. Below is a song that I like to listen to in order to help boost my confidence. I like being confident because it allows me to excel in my life. I know it’s hard to not give up at times, butread more

Karma is a confusing subject for many people. I believe in karma, because whatever you give does eventually come back. Good things happen all the time to both “good” people and “bad” people. But what makes a person “bad” or “good”? I believe that karma works with law of attraction. Good karma always get rewarded. However, you may have to face some difficult obstacles in order to receive rewards. It’s not necessarily bad karma. Itread more

The way law of attraction works is by attracting things that are aligned with the same frequency as you. When you think negative, you attract negativity. When you think positive, you attract positivity. And what’s negative or positive is different based on the person you are. When you dream to accomplish something big, you may attract more negativity than usual. That’s okay because it just means that you’re somewhere on the right track. Below isread more