Working on Music

I almost forgot to write a blog post today!

Yesterday, I finally posted a song cover onto my YouTube channel. Since I used someone else’s instrumental, I can’t monetize it on Spotify or iTunes. That’s okay though, because I don’t think that song will get a lot of views. I just kind of sang it for the fun of it.

I took another song cover I did before though and submit it through Soundrop for Spotify, iTunes, and other streaming platforms. I made the whole track from the instrumentals to the vocals, so I can do this. My song cover of Oppa was performing pretty well for not having any marketing or a huge audience or anything. So, I thought I’d see how this song (On the Rocks) performs.

The cool thing about Spotify is that it recommends songs that are similar to the ones you’re listening to. So, my song gets recommended to others who are listening to similar genres or similar artists. I’m not sure how they figure this out. Maybe someone listens to your song before it goes on their service and they choose songs that are similar. Or, it could be computer-generated. No clue, but I think that’s how I was gaining listeners on Spotify specifically. I also noticed that I had a lot of Japanese listeners on Spotify, so that made me think about doing more Korean songs and maybe getting into Japanese songs.

Today, I felt a little inspired to try to create the instrumental to Where is the Love by Black Eyed Peas. I wanted to make a cover for this song. It’s an old song, but it is still relevant, and people still enjoy listening to the song. I thought it’d be a good cover to put on Spotify and see if it generates buzz. It’d be a good experiment.

When I was listening to some of the songs I did more recently compared to past songs, I noticed that I did improve in some areas. For example, my voice sounded clearer. Or, the instruments were more balanced. I didn’t really notice the difference before, but after not listening to these songs for a while, I can separate minor details.

Anyway, I think it’s cool that I’m diving back into music, albeit just a little bit. I don’t have to spend hours each day producing music. Some time here and there makes a difference. I’m giving myself a month to produce the Where is the Love song. I might take even long to ensure quality, maybe get some feedback too.

I’m curious to see if I can make $50/month in passive income with music this way. I have such a small audience that I’m not sure about original music. However, if my song covers are already being recommended through similar artists, maybe my original music would stand a chance too. It’s worth a shot.

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