Is Blogging Every Day A Good Idea?

I read a blog talking about how blogging daily can be a bad idea. They said that it would stir up boredom and that you might stop blogging altogether. Well, it really depends I think. I remember when I was blogging every day for a month or so back in 2018. It didn’t get boring then. I had lots of ideas at the time. It was fun expressing those ideas. I eventually stopped because of hearing voices and it getting in the way of me establishing blogging as a habit. But if I were my normal self, I would have probably continued blogging for at least a few more months daily.

I think it also depends on your mindset. If you’re always looking to produce that perfect post, you might tire yourself out. But if you’re like me and you mostly free write, do the bare minimum of editing, and post right away, then you’re less likely to get tired out.

It reminds me of producing music. It’s easy to write lyrics when you feel inspired or record a quick tune, but to actually go in and edit a full song takes work and time. When you’re taking the time to edit a song or a blog post, you might need to space out the time more or do it less frequently so you don’t burn out. That I agree with. But simply writing and posting, it doesn’t require much effort, at least in my opinion.

It reminds me of YouTubers. Some people post videos daily. If there’s a lot of editing involved, I’d imagine that be harder to deal with. Some people have a template set up so that they can record and edit videos quickly. They can focus more on creating than fine-tuning. Or, they outsource the editing.

Anyway, before I get on a tangent, I don’t think blogging every day is a bad idea. Right now, the only thing I’m struggling with is coming up with ideas of what to write. Or well, more so than that, I want to find topics that I am actually interested in writing about. I had a few ideas, but nothing I could immediately write on. I’m not used to writing daily, so I guess it’s to be expected. You have to get used to creating daily, to thinking outside the box.

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