Waking Up Early as Part of a Morning Routine

For some people, waking up early in the morning can be a dreadful task. It doesn’t help when you have an annoying alarm blaring early in the morning, starting off the day in an angry mood. But if you are consistent with it and have some sort of relaxing morning routine, waking up early in the morning can be fun and productive.

These days, I don’t get up super early. I get up at 7:00AM each day (though sometimes I sleep in to get in extra sleep). On these days, I feel more productive. On days that I’m doing exceptionally well, I write a blog post. (;

One way to stick to a morning routine is to write it out and have it in order of how you want the morning to look like. You can write a simple checklist on pen and paper or on your phone. Or if you’re feeling extra fancy, you can write it out on a word doc and print it out. I like to make it in a brochure format with my nighttime routine as well. I did this before, but I’m going to redo it as my morning routine has changed.

Nowadays, I feel refreshed to have spare time to myself in the morning. Before, I looked to it as morning dread. But now, I feel grateful to be alive for another day. This morning, I started off the day by voicing out loud the things that I was grateful for, such as a roof over my head and for family. That check-in helped me to wake up a little more.

Some ideas for adding to a morning routine:
– Drink some tea or coffee in your favorite mug
– Journal for a certain amount of time
– Exercise
– Go for a walk
– Write up a gratitude list
– Read a book
– Watch your favorite music video to feel more alert
– Watch a motivational talk on YouTube
– Meditate
– Write in a dream journal (if you remember your dreams)
– Take a shower or a nice bath
– Study

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