Experimenting with AI for Content Creation

Quick disclaimer here, this entire blog post was written by me (Nessy), not by an AI (artificial intelligence), in case that’s what you’re looking for! 😀

I’m fascinated by the idea of using AI for content creation. It can be used for blogging, email, advertisement… Steve Pavlina even gave me the idea of potentially using AI to draft songs. I thought this could be useful, especially in finishing song drafts or in generating new ideas. To expand on that, I thought it would be super helpful for composing songs in foreign languages.

It gets a bit tricky though figuring out the copyrights for AI content creation. So, obviously the AI itself would be patented by whoever owns it. But if the content is machine-generated and is supposedly not plagiarized, then who owns the content? Is it uncopyrighted then? Or if a songwriter uses AI generated content, but changes some lines here and there, can they still claim it as their own? It’s a bit of a gray area. Because then, what is the incentive to use an AI if it is pretty much public domain at that point?

So let’s say I used an AI to generate a song idea. Maybe I changed a few words or created my own verses while I used the AI for the chorus and the bridge. So aside from the unrevised lines that I used from the AI, let’s say I created the beat, the melody, the vocals, etc. Would that be enough to claim as my own? Is just the content by the AI uncopyrighted? How does that work? So if someone else decides to cover the song, do I receive a royalty from that, or is it just considered public domain and free for anyone to use? A bit confusing!

I think if an AI were to create an entire song and I did not own the AI myself, it would be fair to call it public domain, right? Hmmm… I’m curious to see how this plays out in the copyright world. I mean, considering that some AIs out there produce 99.99% original content, how would anyone know for sure that you used an AI and didn’t create it yourself or hire someone to produce it for you?

I also thought it would be interesting to experiment with AI in writing a book. So, I’ve published a few eBooks before. Nothing outstanding. One was created entirely using works from uncopyrighted/public domain sources, with a few changes here and there. One was created using phrases and sentences that I’ve learned in Korean, and just forming a short phrasebook for beginners/intermediates. Two were formed using old blog posts and expanding upon those ideas.

But, what if I used an AI to expand on topics instead? I’ve thought about writing my experiences with psychosis, and expanding more on psychosis in general, hearing voices, command voices, mental health, coping skills, CBT, and more. With GPT-3 AI technology, I can easily generate tons of relevant information, without having to come up with most of the content myself. And, some technologies/services can even mimic particular people/styles.

It’s funny because this whole topic came to me in a thread with Steve Pavlina. But, I thought it would be hilarious if I could create blog content similar to his style and publish it onto my blog. What would happen then? Would anybody be able to tell? Though, what if I started publishing posts that mimicked the style of others who don’t uncopyright their works?

I got to test a bit of one service in this field. I only ran a short tutorial, so it wasn’t anything amazing. But, it was interesting to see how it worked. I wondered if it would improve over time when running it for several instances.

I also had a bit of a flashback when I was blogging back in 2018, and my command voice took over to write an article. At that point, I was blogging pretty much every day. One day though, the voice took over my typing and started writing everything on its own. Whenever I had an idea in mind, it would change the next word, next phrase, next sentence, or next idea. The blog post still sounded pretty much like me and my tone, so no one really could tell a different either way. But, it kind of felt like my own personal AI in a sense. Though, I think actual AI tries to use predictable patterns, so it’s a bit different. My voice was trying to find words that I wouldn’t use impulsively, trying to be more selective or “conscious” in a sense (which is quite ironic considering that the “voice” may be part of my subconscious).

Will I use AI in the future?

Hmm, it is an interesting idea. I do want to experiment with it a bit. Although I doubt I’d use it in everyday communication such as email or text messaging, and I’d probably not even use it for social media, I do think it is quite useful for blogging (or at least coming up with a general outline), as well as publishing niche books. I also think it’d be fun to experiment with songwriting. Again, copyright is a gray area, so it’s a bit tricky. But hey, I think it’s worth exploring more.

At the moment, I cannot recommend any AI service in particular. But, I will continue looking into it and seeing what comes of it. If it works out, I will definitely have to post about this topic again and let you know what I recommend (hopefully with an affiliate link ;D). And hey, maybe that blog post might be generated by an AI itself. Who knows?

I also am curious to see how much time a regular blog post takes for me to write on my own vs. using an AI to generate content. With an AI, you might still have to proofread the content, and you might have to do a bit of organizing or revising to get it to sound just how you’d like. If I had to guess, in total, this blog post probably took me between 20-30 minutes. I’ll just have to throw on a picture and a few tags, and I’m done. But basically, it already doesn’t take much time to create a post on my own. I can’t imagine it being much faster with AI at the speed I already go. So really, it’d only be useful for when I’m experiencing writer’s block or when I’m not too knowledgeable about a certain topic. And yes, outlining too… I guess if somehow it could take 5-10 minutes per blog post, that would be another bonus.

I definitely can say that I’ll experiment with it a bit to see its potential. I feel like there are many possible opportunities with this untapped space.

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