10 Reasons to Stop Shaving Your Legs

1. A lot of time is wasted shaving your legs.

Let’s say you start shaving when you’re 13 and stop when you are 65. If you shave twice a week for fifteen minutes at a time, you will spend 81,120 minutes or 1352 hours shaving. That’s a little over 56 days of shaving. Personally for myself, when I shave, it takes anywhere from 20-45 minutes to shave my legs depending on how long the hair is and whether I’m using a regular razor in the shower or an electric shaver. And some people shave more than twice a week to maintain smooth legs. Aren’t there many other better things to do with your time than waste it on shaving? Shaving your legs just seems like such a boring option.

2. It grows back quickly into stubble.

After all that time that you spend on shaving, it’s just going to grow back anyway. There’s the dreaded stubble. And it’s pricklier than if you just left your legs alone in the first place. So much for smooth legs.

3. It costs money.

Let’s say you get a 6-pack refill of Gilette for $18 and you go through a razor every three weeks. That’s approximately $295 a year that you spend replacing razors. If you shave from the age of 13 all the way up to the age of 65, that’s $15,340 that you’re spending on razors. Aren’t there a whole lot of other better things to be spending your money on?

4. Razor burn.

What’s worse than that itchy prickly feeling you get after you shave? First, you’re punished to spend your time shaving. Then, you’re punished for having smooth legs. It’s a curse.

5. Nicks and cuts.

I have yet to find someone who doesn’t deal with nicks and cuts while shaving. You could be as careful as possible, but the cuts can still occur. You are dealing with sharp pieces of metal after all. Cuts are bound to happen. Even if you don’t see any cuts or nicks, there are actually micro-tears that could happen to your skin, which leads me to my next point.

6. Infections.

When you get micro-tears or even regular cuts and nicks on your skin from shaving, you’re prone to all sorts of infection. Your legs become a breeding ground for bad germs. Nothing sexier than infection-swarmed legs, smooth to the touch, am I right? 😛

7. Impressing the wrong people.

If you shave because of societal pressure to do so, then you’re doing it wrong. You shouldn’t have to shave just to impress people. You should be able to be yourself, regardless of whether you shave or not. It’s a case of those who care don’t matter and those who matter don’t care. Besides, it’s actually a lot easier once you stop caring about what other people think and are just yourself, hair and all. Let headaches about constantly having smooth legs and more time to enjoy whatever it is you’re doing.

8. Warmth in the winter.

The least you could do is stop shaving in the winter. That’s when your hair can keep you warm. It’s extra insulation to your pants or stockings. Why de-fuzz all that extra warmth away?

9. Fake sense of self-confidence.

Lots of women reporting feeling higher levels of self-confidence after they shave, but it’s just a fake boost. If you were really self-confident, it wouldn’t matter whether there is hair on your legs or not. Real self-confidence comes from accepting yourself as who you are, not as this polished version of yourself that you project to the world as being. Ditch the razor and learn to embrace yourself, hair and all.

10. Men don’t bother, so why should women?

Men have learned to embrace their natural hair without being subject to bullying and all. Why should women be any different? And who decided that hair was masculine if it isn’t on the top of your head? Hair grows everywhere for everyone. Yes, women grow hair on their legs, their backs, their arms, their armpits, even their bellies and their chests. Oh, and let’s not forget their mustaches, chins, and their cheeks. Hair can grow anywhere on the body for both men and women. It’s time that we stop ridiculing women for growing hair in places that are natural to grow hair in, and time that we start accepting and loving each other for our natural selves.

So what do you say? Is it time that you’re going to ditch your razor?

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