Punishment is the misuse of power. It is destructive and vile. In my humble opinion, it never solves anything. It is a part of life and a way of life, but it is not the way I choose to live my life. Earlier in one of my blog posts, I talked about creative ways to express your emotions such as anger. Sometimes we need to scream, and we can’t due to living arrangements. But, weread more

“It is always good to know, if only in passing, charming human beings. It refreshes one like flowers and woods and clear brooks.” – George Eliot An A player is someone who excels at life. It is someone who conquers most or all areas of their life, from health to finances to relationships to spirituality. I am always looking to surround myself with A players because as they say, you become the people you surroundread more

Over the past few months, I’ve been pretty anti-social. I barely hanged out with friends and I stayed in just watching videos and whatnot. But recently, I decided to go out more. Sometimes, we have to get in the mood to go out and socialize. For me, I had to prepare myself to go out more. It started with my self-care journey over the past month and a half. I started showering daily, shaving, dressingread more