Punishment is the misuse of power. It is destructive and vile. In my humble opinion, it never solves anything. It is a part of life and a way of life, but it is not the way I choose to live my life. Earlier in one of my blog posts, I talked about creative ways to express your emotions such as anger. Sometimes we need to scream, and we can’t due to living arrangements. But, weread more

When we think of a genius we typically think of people such as Aristotle, Albert Einstein, or Leonardo Da Vinci. But what makes one a genius? And why can’t everyone be a genius? Everyone have their own unique talents and abilities. We all grow up in different ways. I have a unique ability to write my own blog posts. Someone else may have the ability to swim fast, like Michael Phelps. It’s our own uniqueread more

Emotions are the driving force of human nature. Without emotions, it would be hard to experience life at a deeper level. There are times when we experience the good, and other times when we experience the bad. However, sometimes our emotions can lead us to take actions that lead to negative consequences. So, we have to be careful in how we express our emotions. Anger can be used as a destructive force, but it canread more

The best place to start loving is to start with yourself. There are different ways to express your love: cuddling, kissing, hugging, giving a gift, and cooking for a loved one. But what does it mean to love yourself? And more importantly, why is it important to love yourself? Love for yourself means taking time to know yourself, accept it, and embrace it. Self-love can come in different forms as well. Below are a listread more

There are certain inessential activities— moths of precious time— and it is worse to busy yourself with the trivial than to do nothing. – Baltasar Gracian This is a quote from my daily calendar. I’m not sure if I quite agree with this statement. The reason is because sometimes, we can be caught up in trivial things. And that is just part of the journey. Plus, what seems trivial to one person might not necessarilyread more

Authority has a negative connotation. However, authority is an important aspect of one’s life. For example, when you make decisions, you want to make sure that you exert your power and are authoritative. Leaders are often thought of being authoritative. But, you too can be the authority of your own life. All you have to do is take action. And of course, you want to make sure you have some forethought to those actions. Whenread more

I’ve had braces for 10 months now. Although they are good for straightening my teeth, they are also distressing in many ways. Here are the disadvantages that I’ve noticed thus far: Tightness Every time you go to get your braces adjusted, you have to deal with the tightness of the brackets. It’s not that they tighten the brackets, but rather that the combination of the wires and brackets are pushing your teeth in a newread more

These days, I feel like I put myself on an intense supertrial. I lost around 10 lbs (from my peak weight), wake up at 6:30AM on weekdays, read a book daily, blog 2 times daily, exercise 2-4 times a week, shave almost daily, dress up with neat appearance daily, cook daily, and pray daily. Part of the reason for this is because I developed an A player mindset. I’ve set reasonable goals that are challenging,read more

“It is always good to know, if only in passing, charming human beings. It refreshes one like flowers and woods and clear brooks.” – George Eliot An A player is someone who excels at life. It is someone who conquers most or all areas of their life, from health to finances to relationships to spirituality. I am always looking to surround myself with A players because as they say, you become the people you surroundread more

Believe in Yourself Set your standards high You deserve the best Try for what you want And never settle for less. Believe in yourself No matter what you choose Keep a winning attitude And you can never lose. Think about your destination But don’t worry if you stray Because the most important thing Is what you’ve learned along the way. Take all that you’ve become To be all that you can be. Soar above theread more